Time for a bit of levity to brighten yet another dreary day in the NWO! Or darken it, depending on your perspective.
On past occasions, I’ve criticized the politically loaded content being taught in various branches and levels of the education system. I recently encountered the following video clip, which I think captures much of the problem and adds a humorous twist.
Many people think that this kind of “up-to-date” PC/CRT curriculum is relatively recent pedagogical innovation. However, that’s erroneous. It was already the norm in liberal colleges all the way back in 1969, as I learned during an abortive, unrequited stint at Reed College, then arguably the premier liberal private college in the US.
That’s over 50 years ago, folks. Many of the “Boomers” were subjected to it, ostensibly by a certain subversive but strangely influential element of the previous generation, sometimes referred to as the “Silent Generation”, along with a few of the older Boomers, mainly student radicals loosely affiliated with “Hippy” culture.
So you see, blaming the Boomers in general for such nonsense isn’t really accurate. It was stuffed down our throats just as it has been stuffed down yours! It originated with the Frankfurt School (of Cultural Marxism) back in the late 1920’s, after the communist intelligentsia of Europe realized that Bolshevism was not spreading like wildfire after its ignition in the Russian Revolution.
This clip is from a new movie. Here’s the official trailer:
Like “Idiocracy”, it’s destined to become a cult classic!
© 2022 Christopher M. Langan
I've tried telling boomers that for all the faults in the world, they at least have seen more "done right" than we have. I feel like they have some responsibility to try and keep that alive, since they have seen what it looks like, and I have only heard of it.
Specifically with education, I only have an idea of what good education is to give my kids.. From you or boomers in general, I wish you could give us more guidance on what/how to teach them.
Can u upload your podcast from patreon