Atheistic Divine Language
Yes, that's an oxymoron if ever there was one. But when you're an atheist wrestling with theology without leg on which to stand, it's the only game in town.
Question: "Would you please elaborate on the Human Singularity?"
Answer: It's CTMU 101.
The Transhumanist "elite" claim that we are approaching a "Tech Singularity" in which man will merge with machine on the most basic level of existence, which for various reasons would destroy human identity as we know and live it. In contrast, the CTMU says that what we are actually approaching, notwithstanding the interference of corporate-governmental technocratic social engineers, is a "Human Singularity" preserving and refining human identity and bringing us closer to the identity of reality itself, aka God.
For the good of us all, the Human Singularity must be chosen over the Tech Singularity. If we fail to actively make and successfully enforce this choice, that's the end - we will succumb to Parasitic Divergence, the permanent splitting of humankind into two segregated subspecies, one a parasitic overclass (the Kalergian "Master Race", the Morlocks of HG Wells, or whatever else one likes) and a debilitated, thoroughly enslaved underclass (the masses, the proletariat, the Eloi, or the mongrelized Kalergian "Eurasian-negroid race of the future"), neither of which can ever achieve a fundamental or even sustainable merging of man and machine. As the awakened are aware, this evil agenda is already well-advanced, and it leads to the death of mankind.
The CTMU is backed up with state-of-the-art math, physics, and philosophy. If anyone thinks that there's someone smarter who can derail, debunk, or disprove anything I say, then let’s drag the cowardly little pants-wetting poindexter out of his ivory-tower hidey-hole into the light of day so that he can be forced to put up or shut up. Even if his name were Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, or Elon Musk, he wouldn’t last very long against me. (In case there's any doubt about this, any such challenger can try me any time he likes. I’m not hiding.)
Why is the CTMU not a household word? As some readers may recall, I sometimes criticize Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and other founding fathers of the (not so) New Atheism for the crime of deliberately sabotaging the dialogue between theists and non-theists. Basically, they claimed that theism is so utterly ridiculous that conversing with theists about the nature of reality is an utter waste of time for all concerned, and dictated that no atheist was ever again to engage a lowly theist on matters theological except where absolutely necessary.
Due to the notoriously bad attitude of Richie and his friends - “We’re far too rational to talk to theists or even acknowledge their worthless existence, and therefore refuse to ever do so again!” - I was mercilessly targeted for years by atheist trolls and roundly slurred as an “Intelligent Design Creationist” and “thinly-veiled antisemite” by atheistic frauds and imbeciles. Naturally, both claims were false.
This defamation came at an incalculable price for man and God alike: lost decades of progress toward crucial understanding of the relationship between man, God, and reality in general.