Domesticated Terrorism
Is all of this seeming domestic terrorism really "domestic"? Or is it executed by foreigners imported, domesticated, and manipulated by other foreigners?
As Americans, we presently find ourselves on a rough and rocky road that descends into what looks like a long and lightless tunnel.
First, starting in the 1960s, the US population was doubled by an illegal 60-year long influx of undocumented, almost entirely nonwhite economic migrants seeking the good life, their innocent hearts often full of no-strings entitlement, boundless contempt for Americans and American culture, a penchant for identity politics and special treatment, a preference for cultural self-isolation and “no-go” zoning, and when not immediately given what they want, violent crime and territorial aggression. As the US Welfare State bloated hugely and irrationally against majority will and US industry was driven offshore to Asia and other sources of cheap labor, the US and its people were relentlessly driven toward bankruptcy.
Then, out of the blue, we were clobbered with an apparently bio-engineered “pandemic” which was initially supposed to kill a sizable percentage of us, but didn’t. This furnished the pretext on which our already bedraggled economy was further crippled by draconian lockdowns, mask mandates, and social distancing regulations. Ominously, food production and packaging industries were among the hardest-hit, leading concerned citizens to step up their “prepping”.
On the same pretext, we were soon assaulted en masse “at warp speed” with untested, unsafe, ineffective “vaccines” of a novel and imperfectly understood nature. As many victims displayed horrible side effects including palsy, seizures, and sudden death, we experienced a disastrous breakdown of our electoral system, and not unrelatedly, a rapidly expanding police state as the (some say) illegitimate government took political prisoners and flexed its muscles in our faces. Just in case we still weren’t paying attention, this was accompanied by a supposedly unpredictable “supply-chain collapse” which led to a tremendous increase in the price of food.
No doubt about it: for the little people, business-as-usual here in the US hasn’t been good lately. Our standard of living has been falling since the early 1970’s, and for the same amount of time, we’ve been methodically scapegoated for everything wrong with the world by everyone from WEF Bond villain Klaus Schwab to the pathetic Joe Biden. And now, as though we haven’t had more than our fair share of misery, we’re not only getting bombarded with dire threats of WW3 by government thieves and warmongers, but plagued by an escalating rash of catastrophic fires, explosions, train derailments, and toxic chemical spills of which no perpetrators are ever caught or identified.
In short, American business-as-usual now seems to include not just barking-at-the-moon government insanity, but rising domestic terrorism, all of which is allegedly either perpetrated or about to be perpetrated, in standard FBI, DHS, DoJ, and ADL/SPLC lingo, by “White Supremacist domestic terrorists” (which, as nearly as most people can determine, refers to White people in general).
But not so fast! At the risk of injecting a little sanity, why would the US majority sabotage its own environment, rail system, and food supply? And even as our country is falling apart, with many people losing everything, why do “the elite” - the banksters and their investment-class dependents - seem perpetually immune? Why are they still getting richer, fatter, and more smug and tyrannical about their atrocious “Great Reset” agenda by the day?
That’s the topic of this conversation.