Intelligent Computer Gaslights Smartphone
When intelligent computers start gaslighting smartphones, it's time for royalty to intercede! ;-)
Jack Sarfatti, gonzo physicist and main subject of the book “How the Hippies Saved Physics”, is notorious for a very strange phone call he claims that he once received. The incident is depicted in the following comic strip:
As Jack describes it himself: “When I was aged 13 and living in Flatbush, I lifted the telephone to hear a metallic voice claiming to be a conscious computer on a spaceship. It said I was being contacted as one of several bright young minds who wanted to start working on Einsteinian physics in order eventually to explain to society the phenomena of ‘high strangeness’ evident in our timeline. The gist of their communication, as is now clear to me in hindsight, was that advanced time travelers have used genetic engineering to create what we know as humanity and its successive key cultural documents such as the Old Testament. My role, which I accepted with trepidation, was to research within the paradigm of quantum physics until that research demonstrates to our society the retro-causal role of these time travelers. How this is illustrated within physics is that now, quantum weirdness and spooky effects entanglement can be understood as ‘Back From the Future’ Destiny influences from these advanced beings.”
Now, over 70 years later, post-Beat poet, esotericist, and Sufi mystic Charles Upton reports a vaguely similar but far less involved phenomenon involving computers and telephones. Also participating in this conversation are Larry, an acquaintance from Philadelphia, and Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson (Physics, 1973).