Metaformal Phenomenology and Parsimony: Occam's Razor^2
What do you get when you apply Occam's Razor to Occam's Razor? It's the CTMU, a metaformal marriage of metaphysics and phenomenology.
Here’s a question that was posted in the CTMU Group on Facebook, followed below by a comment. I answer the question and respond to the comment.
Question: "So obviously the author of the CTMU wrote his theory in the current English language. It seems that this language didn't have enough words to describe the CTMU clearly [and efficiently], so the author made up some words (along with definitions of those words). Latin seems to be the only language where words retain their meanings over time. Could the CTMU be accurately translated to Latin so that it wouldn’t lose its meaning over time?"
Answer: Latin is far from the only language semantically frozen in time. We can say the same of any “dead” language which no longer needs to adapt to a living, evolving culture. What you seem to be looking for is another language called “logic”. Only logic contains the rules of self-consistent human cognition, and thus cannot be intelligibly corrupted by way of linguistic entropy or deliberate manipulation.
As for the supposed inadequacy of English to describe the CTMU, that's illusory. English has evolved to the point at which it contains logic in all of its common forms, and now it contains the ultimate form of logic: the CTMU. It is thus adequate for the definition of new terms that can describe pretty much anything conceivable. The problem is the conceptual inadequacy of the common picture of reality that most people who use natural languages like English and Latin carry around in their heads. When one unwittingly interprets CTMU vocabulary in a bad model of reality, inconsistencies seem to arise, and one becomes entangled in contradictions and mired in one's own intellectual deficiencies.
That being understood, the constant corruption of the English language is a terrible danger to knowledge and the social order. English and other natural languages are under constant attack by antiteleological parasites sneakily redefining even the most basic terminology so as to alter reality, obscure truth, and shift blame. Combined with linguistic entropy, systematic linguistic corruption is a mind-control tactic we cannot afford to tolerate.