This is a response I wrote to an email by Sean O’Nuallain, the leader and founder of the group Foundations of Mind. It’s a general diatribe regarding cancel culture in general, and more specifically, its ongoing abuse of me and my work.
Sean’s comment refers to his own careful research on Covid 19 health protocols and well-reasoned criticism of the “vaccination” debacle, which have lead him to write several papers, at least one book, and numerous correspondences with government health authorities in Ireland and elsewhere.
Sean’s reference to the agreement of an “official academic journal” refers to this article by Dr. Robert Malone.
Sean O’Nuallain: “And so for the first time an official academic journal agrees with what I have been saying for the past 2 years.”
My Response: Yes, peremptory cancellation by the Global Ministry of Truth is a very serious problem. I know this from experience.
Several people mentioned here, in particular Dr. Malone himself, have experienced cancellation in the sense of “cancel culture”. It is reprehensible wherever and to whomever it happens. But with all due respect, I doubt that anyone mentioned here has been canceled longer and more effectively than I have.
Not only did I come out against the Covid 19 scam at the very start (pre-"vaccine"), but I'm also most unbeloved of the "New Atheists", who long ago lit on cancellation as an appropriate strategy for dealing with theists (whom they regard as a nuisance). The New Atheists, who are among those most responsible for modern cancel culture itself, are a crowd of obstreperous dolts who have been alternately ignoring me and sneakily following me around for the last several decades. In case “obstreperous dolts” is descriptively inadequate, let me be even more frank: the New Atheists are a ragtag gaggle of brainless loudmouths and slimy career-saboteurs led by content-free acadummies like Richie "I hate God!" Dawkins, third-rate philosopher-hack Daniel Dennett, and Sam "I went viral!" Harris, whose legions of brain-dead, zombie-like atheist-materialist gulls congest the information superhighway like arterial plaque during a general strike of cardiologists and vascular surgeons.
For most of my life, I went along with the cancellation (which was merely academic before and after it was atheistic, but nonetheless damaging). I was patient and long-suffering. But now that cancel culture has caught fire, it's time for some truth-telling.