Race Denial Denial: On the Existence of Human Races
Make way, climate change deniers, Holocaust deniers, and vaccine deniers! Here come the most denialistic deniers of all: the Race Denial Deniers!
Now more than ever, there is no shortage of racial controversy. This controversy includes the very concept of race. Some admit that it exists, while others deny it. Those who deny it are quite fond of accusing those who don’t of “racism”, especially where the accused happens to look or identify as “White” (except, of course, where dispensing or advocating for special benefits to various non-White groups with political clout).
Ironically, race denial exhibits a complex pattern that depends entirely on race. If you are non-White, then you must proudly embrace your non-White status and culture, however primitive, bloodthirsty, or undistinguished it may have been, and stand up against Whiteness. If you are White, on the other hand, then you cannot deny the race of any non-White, but must unconditionally deny your own. That is, you must admit that you have no race, but must acknowledge and defer to everyone else’s. And to ice the cake, you must simultaneously deny the existence of race across the board, except of course in the presence of non-Whites, who might be offended by your abominable “insensitivity”.
For Whites, there is no way out. Whites are raceless, disqualified from comparison to other races, and can identify only as “oppressors”. They are entitled to nothing but infamy and censure, and cannot defend themselves by pointing to “their” geniuses and high achievers; being White and therefore raceless, people like Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander, Charlemagne, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Euler, Gauss, etc., are unworthy of mention. When it comes to measuring up, they’re not even on the scoreboard, let alone the honor roll.
When accusations of racism are made and/or implied by the media, they tend to cause serious problems in the lives of the accused. The accused may lose their jobs, be targeted for legal abuse and hate crime, and face general discrimination in every aspect of their lives, especially by opportunists determined to curry favor with the media for their own selfish ends. This pattern of abuse is no less contagious due to the notorious virulence and homogeneity of media bias on racial issues.
Given all of this abuse, and the fact that it will only get worse until it meets coherent opposition, it’s time to get a few things straight about the concept of race - what it is, how it arises, and its implications for modern civilization.