Random Mutation = Information Ex Nihilo
The Modern Synthesis has two components. One of them, natural selection, is a tautology. The other, random mutation, is an oxymoron. Let's see why.
A couple of questions were recently asked of me on X. I drafted answers with the intention of posting them there, but one of the questions was either removed by the questioner or swallowed up by X. So I’m posting them here instead.
It all began with the following anti-White comment by a Black African podcaster, which was reposted by Elon Musk.
Comment: “Black podcasters describe white South Africans as inhuman. Literal dogs. Animals. [Here are some of their statements.]
"White people are inferior species to us"
"They have Neanderthal blood in them"
"We are dealing with the weakest whites"
"White people are just below human beings"
"You are negotiating with an animal - a wild dog"
My Response: Actually, it has been found that the DNA of sub-Saharan Blacks is up to around 20 percent non-human (pre-Homo sapiens). Specifically, Blacks have been found to have large amounts of "ghost DNA" from one or more pre-human species that once lived in Africa alongside more recently evolved human beings ... species that may have included Homo erectus or Homo habilis, which were far more primitive than the relatively advanced Homo neanderthalensis.
The brain of a typical Neanderthal was even larger than that of a typical modern human, and Neanderthal DNA accounts for only around 2 percent of the White and Asian genomes (on average, Asians have a bit more than Whites). Like it or not, Blacks have no room whatsoever to describe any other race of humans as an "inferior" or less evolved "species".
In fact, it seems that much to the credit of non-Blacks, they have considerately avoided hurting the feelings of Blacks over recent findings about African genetics.