Wimp + Puss = Wuss
These days, it's not an equation to live by. It makes you more likely to die.
While many people seem to be getting intensely frustrated with the US government and the “elites” who own and populate it, the overclass and its political puppets are no longer out to win any popularity contests. As long as the public tolerates their malice and stupidity, “the elite” have no reason to worry about popularity at all. They inhabit a fake reality in which they are forever beloved of their sheeple.
The government’s lack of concern for public opinion is easy to understand. When you’re one of “the elite”, your personality is usually packed with so much baseless narcissism - “I have more money than others, and am therefore better!” - that it makes no difference to you what the ignorant masses think of you. After all, you reside in the finest mansions and penthouses, wear the finest clothes, dine on the best and most expensive cuisine, and get invited to all the best parties … parties where you and your fellow “elites” can pat each other on the back for being ever so much smarter and better than everyone else. Perhaps best of all, no little people can get in! Nestling in the lap of luxury, you remain isolated from the hoi polloi by your agents, shills, and useful idiots … and when your hedonic exclusivity gets to be old hat and is no longer “edgy” enough to get you off, you can always commit a few new and untried crimes against humanity for kicks!
But on second thought, that’s not really the best part at all, is it. The best part is when, never having held down a real job in their entire coddled lives, the elite sit on their plushly padded rear ends and watch the value of their portfolios inexorably expand like newly emergent puffballs as the rain dries up and the sun comes out, while meanwhile, the “little people” worry, tighten their belts, and waste away to skeletons. That will teach them the meaning of inferiority!
Obviously, these bloated miscreants and their thugs and gunsels are in dire need of corrective persuasion. At the very least, they need a reason to think twice.