Why would Lab Rats in a Vast Dysgenics Experiment Badmouth Eugenics?
Nothing is quite as silly as inveighing against genetic hygiene and reproductive fitness while enrolled in the largest and most evil selective breeding experiment in history
I was recently taken to task in a comments section on X for being a "eugenicist". The proper term would be “anti-dysgenicist”, which is something entirely different. But such important distinctions tend to be dismissed as mere semantic quibbles by those claiming the right to downbreed mankind to an intellectually degenerate, ethnically homogenized “Eurasian-negroid race of the future”.
True, I once wrote a brief essay on the irrationality of high-tech Western societies hosting civilization-maladapted low-IQ populations better suited to more primitive environments and social orders. Immediately the troll-venom began to flow. Trolls, being bitter, stupid, dishonest, and seldom able to find the high-contrast targets they crave, are always desperate for scapegoats. Unsurprisingly, a few of them decided that I was a natural for Eugenics Spokeperson of the New Millennium. The "God exists" and "sky-high IQ" aspects of my persona merely let them kill three hated birds - God, IQ, and human genetic hygiene - with one righteously hurled stone.
Of course, "Eugenics Spokeperson of the New Millennium" is an exaggeration. Dead or alive, none other than Adolf Hitler is still the preeminent eugenics bogeyman of all time. One can't so much as say "Excuse me, but you need to go home!" to a syphilitic HIV-positive machete-wielding nuclear or biological terrorist with a fifteen-foot pedophilia / human trafficking rap sheet without instantly being stereotyped as a Schutzstaffel Obersturmführer cloned directly from Der Führer himself.