Cheers! And God's speed. Happy independence day (It's the hill I die on). Conversely, I'm reminded of King Ahasuerus who turned to Haman after learning Queen Ester was a Jew and told him his fate will be the fate he planned for Mordecai and the Jews. Likewise, may the brave few and the brave many men and women take courage to do what is right and necessary to turn America back around to its rightful standing. May the fate planned for us be their own ends, post-haste.

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Chris and Gina, a very Happy JULY 4th to you both! Indeed, it is time to act upon the power that Jesus Himself gave not only His disciples but also all those who acknowledge Him as Messiah and thus have the Holy Spirit!

Regarding Queen Esther, official name at birth “Hadassah”, was abandoned by her parents at birth (they were killed shortly after her birth). Her first cousin (not uncle) Mordechai, took her under his wing. Hadassah, revealed to me by God in His Word (in the footnotes, no less) was the name of my LLC for many years. Esther is identified as “Hadassah, who is Esther”. Hadassah is Hebrew for “myrtle”. However, “Esther” is a Persian name, related to the “morning star.” In Hebrew, it is related to the root word for “hidden,” as God’s intervention was hidden throughout the turn of events.

Queen Esther, through divine intervention, took DOWN the hellish empire of King Achashverosh, whom some identify as Artaxerxes or the king of Persia.

Are we not powerless? Au contraire!!!

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Happy Independence Day and God Bless!

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Happy 4th of July. God Bless!

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Let the dirtbag tossing begin!!!

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I'll be their vehicle of enlightement, 🤜👊🤛.

If you want to crash into a tree do it alone! Otherwise we have a problem, because i am in that car and I refuse to die!

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That makes two of us, Herman! There must be a way to infiltrate from within.... I’ll just leave that comment there and let everyone’s ideas ruminate for awhile.

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