Latest T.O.E. Podcast at CTMU Radio
Curt Jaimungal hosts Chris Langan and Bernardo Kastrup on the Theories of Everything podcast. Edited to remove commercials!
Chris Langan and Bernardo Kastrup engage in a metaphysical discussion hosted by Curt Jaimungal. Timestamps are in the description but may be a little off after editing out a couple of (IMO, quite TMI!) commercials. Enjoy :)
Note: We are now offering memberships through our CTMU Radio YouTube channel. At this time there are only a few member videos and they are already available to substack subscribers. By all means, join our YT channel, but there probably won’t be much extra content for a month or so. Just FYI.
Free SS Trials: If you aren’t already a paid subscriber here at substack, there are one-month trials in our YT channel member area that were put there in order to provide access to our most important current content while we set everything up on the channel. I hope a lot of people will take advantage of those links, particularly if they are new to Chris’ work.
Thanks to everyone, for your patience and support! <3 Dr. G
Let me try to boil this down.
Bernardo: Non-fundamental representational existence is determined by the fundamental attributes of the will, which is itself determined just by what it is. Existence is what it is. The will is not free.
Chris: The fundamental attributes of the will and existence only exist when they are instantiated. This requires both fundamental attributes and non-fundamental values coupled together. There is thus freedom after all via the selection of these values, and rather than being dualistically separated, “non-fundamental representational existence” is really the self-instantiated attributes of the will.
Did Chris get axed from Patreon?