Merry Christmas Chris, appreciate all the work you and Gina do.

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Merry Christmas and love to all our ancestors for whom we owe so much!

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Isn't it ironic that often a chief reason communism is said not to work is due to the natural existence of those who take advantage of others, or those who are naturally more motivated and suited to something... And what we have with forced multiculturalism is literally forced worldwide communism. I know calling everything communism or Marxism is cliche, but it is literally the same solution and motivation as nearly all communist revolutions, but applied racially.

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Best Wishes, to all!

May Logos take the upper hand in your mind, and Chritos descendents into your hearts so Telos can manifest Good.

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Merry Christmas! And a happy new year, new chances, new opportunities!

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Frohe Weihnachten!

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Portugese ancestry! Good to hear! Good to hear as you know I am 52% Portugese, the rest is Italian, Spanish and Brazilian. Test NOT taken through any well-known dna harvesting companies!

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Merry Belated Christmas to you Chris and Gina! Stomach problems (or low grade wetware) making its rounds in this area. Merry Christmas to all!

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Merry Christmas and may God's Divine Light guide us and console at all times so that we may always find strength to help manifest His will.

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Thank you for the strong heartfelt message. Merry Christmas and may God bless all of our endeavors according to his will and in his plan, Amen.

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Dear Chris Langan,

You often advocate for “right-wing” ideas and narratives, and indeed, uncontrolled mass migration of people from one culture to countries with entirely different cultural foundations is problematic, unlike regular migration where migrants have undergone some form of selection. However, sometimes it seems to me that you, unfortunately, fail to distinguish between the lighter shades of white and black, and occasionally mix them together. I believe you are well aware that the current “migration” into Western countries is orchestrated by certain groups, which you have referred to in your writings as “parasitic layers.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but a certain resentment toward the Islamic world also appears to be present in your rhetoric.

Historically, it is well known that the role of “invaders” has not been exclusive to the Islamic world but also includes the Christian world. The main threat to the decline of Western civilization today lies in those groups mentioned above. “Divide and conquer” is the principle they employ, and unfortunately, your narrative aligns with this logic.

2. You recently mentioned the tragic event in Magdeburg. Of course, the incident can be interpreted as a random occurrence, but I am compelled to ask: Was this truly the act of a madman, or was it not? Isn’t it suspicious that such events happen on the eve of elections in Germany, seemingly designed to influence the vote in favor of the AfD party? Who orchestrates and drives the mass movement of people from third-world countries specifically to Christmas markets? Isn’t it clear that these are deliberate provocations with political undertones, rather than simply the actions of a random, resentful Saudi who went mad?

Additionally, concerning the false dichotomy so heavily promoted in contemporary American (and not only American) politics—the so-called battle between the left and the right, which you also support—why do you not address the complexities behind this narrative? In your writings, you frequently express support for Trump, who, for some reason, does not appear to belong to the “parasitic” groups in your view. Why not write about his consistent support for the state of Israel, or his son-in-law, and where he comes from, or the faith of his daughter? Or about their involvement in the Global Economic Forum? Is one statement from Trump—claiming to fight the deep state—enough for you, when it is evident to many where exactly this “state” resides? Or his declaration about building a great wall against migrants?

You are undoubtedly an intelligent person, but why do you selectively overlook certain facts?

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Chris just said on Facebook that Trump most likely considers money to be power and most importantly, worth.

It seems there is always a possibility of either an attack being orchestrated by Israel to Jumpstart WWIII or get the US involved. And when they don't orchestrate it, they try to control the narrative anyway and use it to their advantage.

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Chris, I’m a new subscriber. I enjoyed your interview with Michael Knowles and wanted to learn more about your ideas. You seem to be greatly concerned about globalism. I too have concerns, especially as our country’s security depends on controlling our borders and preventing illegal immigration. However, as a Christian, I feel an unhelpful tension exists with oversimplification of this term. Globalism takes many forms. For example, economic globalism inures to the benefit of the US, as shown by the dollar being the dominant currency of the world. A Google search says the 7 major types of globalisation are:

Social globalisation.

Economic globalisation.

Technological globalisation.

Financial globalisation.

Political globalisation.

Cultural globalisation.

Ecological globalisation.

Are you against all globalization (globalism)? Which are good and which aren’t?

Another type of globalization may include religion. To this point, what is your opinion on globalism as it relates to spreading the gospel? God tells us that we are to go into all the world and make disciples (Matt 28:18–20). Thus, both the Old Testament and the New, God commissioned His people to spread the Christian faith throughout the world. While I understand that you are not a Christian, do you have any thoughts to share about what God says about globalism?

Thanks and Happy New Year.

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I guess he's not a Christian because Jesus clearly said that he was not the Christ, the Messiah promised by the "god" of the Jews, YHWH, who is/was the devil (Matthew 13:19).

I believe in Jesus son of God and I'm not a Christian either.

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