Oct 4Liked by Dr. Gina Langan

That explains why there are a little bit more followers now. Chris should have had 100k followers in January 2021, and by now, there should be more than a million followers.

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At least that!

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The majority of the people do not dare to speak their minds about it all, especially with all the women these days and mass migration. Females and imigrants are very obedient from nature and males from torment o

In a very young age.

The entire human species has been chemically altered, we are but a shadow of the brave warriors that used to roam these earthly planes.

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Oct 4Liked by Dr. Gina Langan

Good job, Adan!

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Smartest AND most incisive, guileless, and unpretentious man in the world.

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But that’s just for starters.....

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Then I must be a fucking genius..been suggesting this is what was going on 3 years ago

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We’ve been talking about this and many other topics for YEARS. The PTB have tried to silence our voices for such a LONG time.... My prayers and love go out to both Chris and Gina. The CTMU and Chris deserve every subscription they get - and I will continue to be a Founding Member for as long as these Stacks exist.

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Great stack...and a great move to let us all in on this one... Thank you.

Glad to see you on the battlefield...and so nice to be able to comment and give you the props that you so richly deserve!

However, how "smart" is it really, to stay exclusively behind a paywall in the midst of a worldwide mass extinction event?

Those who can support you financially will happily do so no matter what, and those who simply cannot afford it - maybe they have a houseful of rescue animals to feed? You could have a million followers, and the millionth follower just might have the universal antidote.

There are many who might offer critical information that could possibly help us all navigate this horror show. The engagement of some of my unpaid subscribers, totally onboard, trying to save as many lives as we can, has been amazingly helpful and astonishingly enlightening. Even life-saving. Even from their death bed.

Don't throw the baby out with the hydrogel - is all I'm saying...

Not one of us knows everything about every evil and hideous assault that is coming at us and this multi-vector takedown of humanity - and few have a grip on the dire situation that we are in. But we all have our life experiences, our knowledge base and our wealth of research to add to the mix. Hearing from all online voices is the best hope we have in terms of amassing a keyboard-warrior Militia For Humanity.

There are so many compassionate, generous and brilliant people out there, weighing in and sharing everything they've got to assist us in this final battle for the very soul of humanity and the preservation of our species...we dare not miss a beat.

But, that's just an opinion from someone who might not be as smart? Somewhere in the 140's, I think? What I lack in terms of intelligence I make up for with raw and reckless passion?

Still proud to call you my friend, I've missed you...and thanks again for letting us in...

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“We have seen the enemy, and he is us.

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It is advised for Christians not to have childern, if you do have teach them the truth about it all so they make a mentality sane decision in having them. The filth currently infesting out beautiful civilization called Earth have childern with the delusion they will survive anything God throws at them.

In ~1,600 years the day of the Lord breaks upon humanity and the filth that is left will be flushed away by title waves +3miles high, 20 miles deep filling the surface oceans with humongous volumes of fluid

To think that at 12miles deep geothermal energy is drilled.

The Lord saves only those that can prove life is unique.

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Correction: God helps those who CAN'T help themselves.

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The Lord made himself, in ~1,600 human years, https://youtu.be/S4PYI6TzqYk?si=RS4Kooc-BdxiQiMv.

God is Absolute and unbound by information, physics, and mind.

Lord God, is the Lord developed into Mind-of-God, He is existence, https://youtube.com/shorts/MIh1SpNbp38?si=Fk-KKJrMCbFHGNS-

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The "problem" we have today is the near-final manifestation of the "vision" of those who established the globalist-collectivist (communist) triumvirate of The Theosophical Society, The Society for Psychical Research, and The Fabian Society, established respectively in 1875, 1882, and 1884. That is to say, the problem we have now is a result of a series of long-term multigenerational strategic actions. The work of the triumvirate was augmented by many other related organizations that came after them. Today's globalists are their heirs.

While I agree that CTMU and other ideas and theories consistent therewith will provide the fundamental and long-term solution through making them the foundational educational curricula from elementary schools to graduate & post-graduate schools, the short term solution is to ensure that Trump & Vance be elected and the negative criminal forces be eradicated from the higher and highest echelons of the government and their globalist-transhumanist-collectivist overlord who are the heirs of the original triumvirate. The transformation will take generations but the world can be cleaned up within the next 25 years.

Trump is a man possessing a super high IQ, capable of "complex thoughts (Edgar Morin)", and the rarest of rare combination of a genius strategist, a happy warrior, and a master builder (beyond buildings), providentially qualified to be President at this critical moment in history. Jean Piaget defines intelligence as: “Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do: when neither innateness nor learning has prepared you for the particular situation.” Trump is one of those few individuals who has this kind of intelligence at the highest level.

Also, it would be great if Chris got involved in the recreation of the entire educational system.

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Chris, you and Gina have been ride-or-die best friends of mine of the closest kind, since 2012. We’ve weathered many storms together and agree about practically everything! You should know how much you are loved, treasured and valued by yours truly! Chris, you should have been the FIRST person to be consulted about this from the very onset!!! Yet we KNOW what vultures are out there.... Always watching. 🙏🏻

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Agreed 1000%

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